Your First Aggregate Test

Any business application, especially one that deals with money, has to be rigorously tested. In our use case this means testing the aggregates to see if they behave as we intend them to. Akkatecture has a companion test package called Akkatecture.TestFixture that gives test developers the tools to write fluent and easy to read tests

Create an XUnit2 test project under /test/Domain.Tests and add the Akkatecture.TestFixture package to the project. Also add the Akka.TestKit.XUnit2 package to your project. You can easily use other dotnet testing frameworks but then you need to choose the correct corresponding companion package for Akka.TestKit.*. Now we can write a simple test for our first command.

Below is an example of how a test should look like. We have a class that derives from TestKit which gives us the ability to do testing in the underlying actor system

public class AccountTests : TestKit
public void WhenOpenAccountCommand_ShouldEmitAccountOpen()
var accountId = AccountId.New;
var money = new Money(50.1m);
this.FixtureFor<Account, AccountId>(accountId)
.When(new OpenNewAccountCommand(accountId, money))
.ThenExpect<AccountOpenedEvent>(x => x.OpeningBalance == money);

The scenario above, tests the first command OpenNewAccountCommand, remember. The test has a clear goal, to see if the aggregate does what we expect it to do. In normal speak this is what the scenario is describing

0 - For an Account aggregate with Id = accountId
1 - Given no prior activity
2 - When sent OpenNewAccountCommand
3 - Then expect AccountOpenedEvent to be emitted

We also need to test to see if money transferring works this one is a bit more involved but lets do it:

public void GivenAccountIsOpened_WhenTransferIsCommanded_ShouldEmitAccountOpen()
var accountId = AccountId.New;
var receiverAccountId = AccountId.New;
var openingBalance = new Money(20.3m);
var transferAmount = new Money(10.98m);
var transactionId = TransactionId.New;
var transaction = new Transaction(transactionId, accountId, receiverAccountId, transferAmount);
this.FixtureFor<Account, AccountId>(accountId)
.Given(new AccountOpenedEvent(openingBalance))
.When(new TransferMoneyCommand(accountId, transaction))
.ThenExpect<MoneySentEvent>(x => x.Transaction == transaction)
.ThenExpect<FeesDeductedEvent>(x => x.Amount.Value == 0.25m);

We can describe the test scenario above as follows:

0 - For an Account aggregate with Id = accountId
1 - Given that it has AccountOpenedEvent
2 - When sent TransferMoneyCommand
3 - Then expect MoneySentEvent to be emitted
4 - And Then expect FeesDeductedEvent to be emitted

The test project can be found in the walkthrough repository test folder.

The ReceiveMoneyCommand can be tested as an excersize to the reader. More information about the testing can be found in the testing section of the documentation.

Next we shall go over how to craft your own sagas. Which add an extra dimension of capabilities by allowing you to do cross aggregate message coordination.

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